Wednesday, January 05, 2005


..with the amount of video titles, both DVDs & VCDs, i had to go through during stocktake today. goodness, shaggedelic to the max man. for those who think scanning barcodes was fun, you'll definitely think twice after going this annual procedure, imagine a room full of videos, wall to wall, shelf to shelf, and having to tediously handle each and everyone of them. foooh, madness i tell u! was assigned to help out the South Buona Vista branch today, so its the first time i am working with Fadzly Bo after he got the job. got member, so the tough day was relatively fun-ner in a way. aint that bad when you got company yea. tired to the max still. hopefully never again next year.

had a good good conversation with yan before sleeping. great way to end a loooong day. nice.


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