Thursday, April 07, 2005

aargh its that time of the semester where laziness no longer is an ailment but has rather become quite a disease. missed by 8am indochina tutorial today coz i took too long contemplating whether or not to go for it. rolled around in bed for ages before i finally decided to and my departure for school was set back some more by my daily morning regime. got out of my house after i was satisfied with the way i look and finally reached campus at at 8.25am. shite. didnt wanna come barging into the classroom like some ghetto superstar with a bad hair day made worse by the bledy helmet. so here i am updating my blog.

i hate this sickly feeling that has been bugging me for days. rather be sick bedridden than be feeling weak-jointed and throaty all day. been taking lotsa fluids in an attempt to cleanse the system but i guess having them carbonated may not really help. haha. and the normally dependable yellow decolgen flu tablet i usually take has failed me this time also. sucky la sucky.

my ankle and calf is getting better thanks to my mom's expert massaging techniques. think i can already walk as a normal as a person should with no more funny-looking limps and whatnots.

i am now so motivated to go on and take my class 2a licence soon. when i can spare the cash. interactions with fellow upgraders have made me realise the innate love i have for performance bikes i never knew i had. tried riding an XR4 scrambler yesterday and oh my the sound of the revs is quite orgasmic. and the pickup burst was quite a thrill. will probably aim for a Super4 bike if god wills my wishes to be. though id still be quite sad to let go of my trusty phantom cruiser, which have served me well so far. we'll see.

i have a few gripes that has set me questioning.

1. why cant some guys, just pee straight? i hate it when entering the cubicle only to see that it is peppered with streaks of wayward pee all around the toilet bowl or the seat cover. disgusting la. and please at least try to flush la assholes.

2, whats it with people dilly dallying taking their own sweet time to cross the road aye? especially when they can obviously see and hear that there ARE vehicles coming towards them. and expect the cars and bikes to slow down in anticipation of them and hope they clear the road before we reach their spot. and these happening on major roads mind u. with these fellas jaywalking. fark and when pedestrians do get into accidents first party they look for is the motorist. *undecipherable expletive*

3. i am anti-cars too. abit. mebbe coz i cant drive one yet. whats with bloody drivers who like to tailgate close to bikes huh. with the intent to intimidate aye. bledy hell why cant they just overtake if need be. my favourite counter to these idiots is to intermittently slow down and brake every now and then. picture a person in front of you walking and stopping every 5 steps he take. makes you not want to be kissing his butt right? haha.

i believe all these stems from the fact that singapore is just not a gracious nor civil enough society. i have more to say whine about next time. gotta get ready to go for my deviance tutorial now. wont wanna be missing that one too. *grin*


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