Tuesday, April 12, 2005

been quite a sucky day. bad start to it made worse by a poor ending. i just wanna bury myself sometimes. in my pillows. and sleep my sorrows and fatigue away.

today i was asked how do i envisage myself to be in 5 years time. somehow, that question set me off thinking real worryingly. coz that would make me 28 years old. yikes. at that age im expected to be working and supporting myself already. living independently, with my own responsibilities. it made me feel scared, in some ways. coz that age is actually not that too far away. problem is though im already 23 this year, i still feel like im barely entering my 20s. think if i walk down orchard road i can still even pass off as one of those late teens kids. i dont think i look my age, nor do i feel so mature and ready to face the challenges of life ahead, which are coming sooner then it actually is. i wonder how i'll turn out.

aniwaes, its funny how when i typed "breasts" in the NUS library search engine, the results that came out were all on books about the bible and some other christian stuffs all. haha. what irony. btw, i was trying to find books/materials for my last assignment for that stupid science module. am thinking of doing on claims about breast enhancements. pretty ummm interesting topic. oh, and i failed the CA for that mod miserably, which carries a 35% weightage for the finals. got a mere 36 out of 100. im so totally screwed. gulp.

tired. shall sleep now.


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