Sunday, September 04, 2005

nothing is more nerve-wracking than riding up to a red-lighted junction, just before entering the expressway, and realising that right beside you is the ROV car waiting there too. and moments just after that, 3 TP bikes rode up alongside mine in the next lane. so there i was, desperately wishing for the light to turn green as quickly as possible. it was just a tad intimidating la. i never rode on the AYE so slowly in my life before.

i gotta say this before my life ends because i never know when that will be. i just wanna say sorry and apologise to all the people out there whom ive ever antagonised and touched a raw nerve before, at any time of my life. ive grown to realise that in this life, we can never please everybody, nor be in tandem with everyone. people are different, and i guess ive stepped on too many toes than i have on myself, often without knowing it, until the damage's done. whatever it is, i offer my apologies. the least i can do i think. to me, life's too short la. better to make the effort to clear my dues before its too late. next up, the difficult part. prayers.

i have an addition to my list of mantras - i shall never get dragged into a blogging war.

life's been pretty rough for the past couple of weeks. on every single front for me. bummer. but somehow, the family never fails to provide that solace and warmth whenever i need it. thank god.

par·a·noi·a (n) :
1. A psychotic disorder characterized by systematized delusions, especially of persecution or grandeur, in the absence of other personality disorders.
2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.


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